Roll 19 - Nikon N80 - Memories 200
Roll 18 - Nikon N80 - Memories 200
A few images taken with my Nikon N80 film camera. This is once again cheap film used to test the cameras functionality. I have run a few rolls of good film through it and hope to post those soon.
Roll 10 - Yashica GS - Memories 200
Ah Ha! You thought I couldn't count... this roll has been developed for sometime now but I wasn't happy with the original Costco scans. I recently received my NIkon IV scanner and have been up scanning each image one by one. I was up till 4am the other night ... this sure is time consuming.
This roll was my first with the Yashica and this is when I discover that I had pretty bad light leaks. Film overall came out okay but I think the real lack of quality and range is due to the cheap film.
Roll 16 - Yashica Electro 35 - Kodak Gold 400 Expired
I thought shooting film with these cameras was unpredictable and then I added expired film to the mix. My Yashica is one sweet looking camera but it has quite a few problems mechanically... I am still also having trouble getting a hang of the focus for the rangefinder. The viewfinder is fairly foggy so nailing focus is a challenge.
I am proud the the little gimp model of a camera :).