Memories ISO 200
Roll 19 - Nikon N80 - Memories 200
Roll 18 - Nikon N80 - Memories 200
A few images taken with my Nikon N80 film camera. This is once again cheap film used to test the cameras functionality. I have run a few rolls of good film through it and hope to post those soon.
Roll 10 - Yashica GS - Memories 200
Ah Ha! You thought I couldn't count... this roll has been developed for sometime now but I wasn't happy with the original Costco scans. I recently received my NIkon IV scanner and have been up scanning each image one by one. I was up till 4am the other night ... this sure is time consuming.
This roll was my first with the Yashica and this is when I discover that I had pretty bad light leaks. Film overall came out okay but I think the real lack of quality and range is due to the cheap film.
Film Roll 11 – Yashica Electro 35 GS – Memories 200
Here are the first viewable images from my much talked about, hyped and shown off Yashica Electro 35 GS. This camera is flashy and brilliant to use. Considering that the camera cost me $25 and the film cost me 99 cents I am pretty happy with the results.
I spent the other day cruising through Julian listening to the new Feist album and I feel that these images matched the mood perfectly. Clouds lingered all day resting above a cold breeze, needless to say I was in my own little heaven.
I hope to have my own scanner soon so that I can control the look of the images. I am still staying true to the fresh off the scanner look of the images. These are developed and scanned by Costco. I got a membership just so I can try out their scans and so far they have great scans for CVS prices...
^ A photo of my Mamiya RB67 shooting ilford 50.