
Splish Splash

I am reminding myself to do what I love. To try new things. That has brought me here, read on to find out my secret!

Splish SplashSplish SplashSplish Splash

Yes the images are kinda neat. The idea of doing this has been floating in my head for a bit. I have always wanted to try it and the underwater housing for my Nikon D700 at PMA teased me quite a bit. I posted awhile about the dresses I bought... they were for this.

Well a little bit on todays story.... The water was beyond cold... Freeeeezing Cold. We only took 40 pictures total but overall it was a good test. I shot the images on a...

Canon SD630 and Canon Underwater Housing. This camera wasn't stock though, it was modified my me. I installed custom software on the camera called CHDK. A simple google search will reveal more than I would be able to tell you. The CHDK allowed me to shoot RAW directly from the camera to allow a bit more editing than the normal jpeg.

Just proves that you can create and be creative with whatever camera you choose :)