These are going to be a selection of images chosen as my favorite image from each year I have "been a photographer". I am going to select images from 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and...I am not quite ready for 2009.
This is the image that I believe started it all. Started the love and appreciation for "instant art" in just a few clicks. The image was captured sometime in 2004 while on a road trip with buddies of mine. A few clicks in iPhoto and I had this image. I took the image with a 3mp point and shoot Pentax. From this point on I had an obsession.

What a year 2005 was. A year I spent mostly behind a computer reading and learning. I purchased my first Nikon, the NIkon D50 in February and celebrate its birthday every year. Up to this point I took images of typical San Diego attractions which tourists crowd. These things at the time were so great to photograph.

This year was the year for me. Ultimate adventure and road trips strung across the months. This was a difficult choice because I personally have so many favorites and special attachments to images. I chose this image because it was on our epic Alaska road trip which we drove from San Diego to Alaska. I made the jump from iPhoto to Aperture this year.

Images over the years began to take steps and steps over the previous years. Camera and technical knowledge were starting to be mastered. My technique and style to me were much more apparent this year as I became better with the tools to create it. This image was my first HDR, HDR at the time wasn't nearly as popular as it is today.

I would love to highlight more and more trips. I mean I could go all night but this year was big for its own reason. One major deal for 2008 was my well overdue camera upgrade. I purchased the Nikon D300 as soon as it was released. I was in love with the art all over again. 12mp over 6mp and ISO 6400 over ISO 1600, the game changed for me. I combined two huge loves of mine for the first time, Photography and Music. I shot shows for local bands and I grew from show to show. My Nikon D300 was stolen from me from my own house in 2008. I did nothing for months until my very generous friends helped me out of the hole I was in. I then purchased a Nikon D700 and started a live performance team called iShootSD. This image below was taken at a GWAR concert and to date the only image I have ever printed.

This year will go down in (my) history as one of my favorite most brave years yet. I will soon uncover my favorite photo of 2009 and speak of my plans for the future. I spent a lot of time looking back and knowing where we came is something that should stick with each of us. I am still humbled to have all of the opportunities that I am given.