I am going to share a quick love story with you all before I start with the photos.
Recently I bought an Epson V600 scanner to do some of the work myself after the images are processed. With my handy scanner all set up I took a small trip to the Salton Sea to shoot a few rolls of film with scanning them when I return in mind. I was very happy with the first roll that I had scanned but the cost is quite high ($10 per roll / $1 per image). I got the images processed including a couple rolls that I had yet to process and took them home.
I started to scan the images at different settings and spent a lot of time comparing the scans to the previous roll. After seeing the first scans I was not happy... the images were flat and colorless. The reason you shoot different films is for a specific look and color that it reproduces. The images that were scanned were absolutely dull and would be an embarrassment to post.
So here I was in this situation with a camera I love and the end product that I honestly hated. I felt sick to my stomach and I recently had an analogy for it that it was like falling in love and then finding out that she only had a couple months to live. I am still on this roller coaster of love where I was so high and now I am so uncertain with what I am going to do in the future.
I went and had 4 rolls scanned today after returning the scanner. I hope to continue shooting film but I feel that it will be awhile before I use it again.
This roll is from a film that I have not shot before. It's an ISO 400 film so it took me awhile to use it up. Overall I still prefer the Reala film over any of the ones I have shot so far.
The first 2 images here appear to have double exposed. I hope I have stopped doing this but because for each shot I have to crank 2 levers I sometimes forget and this causes the above double exposure.
The above image is my favorite of the roll. I really liked the lady smoking in the window. With digital I would point the camera and capture the image but with this camera its a bit more work. I have to manually expose and then capture the image. I guess listing 2 steps for each doesn't make it seem that much different but it is :) My only point is that at this point I tend to miss a lot of "moments".